Horse Float Servicing: Three Important Tips for Effective Maintenance

If you have invested in a horse float for haulage, plan for maintenance. In general, these trailers are used for hauling heavy loads, including live animals. If they are not serviced, the components will wear out due to the strain of heavy transportation. Moreover, a neglected horse float is more susceptible to breakdown or failure. Accidents will lead to injuries and property losses. Therefore, consider the best approach to horse float upkeep. Here are some basic guidelines to remember for effective maintenance.

Establish a Schedule

Horse floats are often neglected because they are not used as regularly as the towing vehicle. In most cases, owners remember their trailers when the units are required for transportation. As a result, the trailer is left to deteriorate in storage during periods of disuse. This practice might seem harmless, but horse floats need upkeep to maintain their condition, even in idle periods. Therefore, establish a timetable for maintenance. The right schedule will depend on the current condition of the trailer and the recommendations made by the manufacturer. Make sure that critical components like brakes, doors, suspension and hitches are serviced as part of regular maintenance.

Clean the Horse Float

The accumulation of filth in a horse float contributes to the deterioration of the structure. For example, dirty metallic components are more susceptible to corrosive wear. Therefore, plan on cleaning the horse float regularly. This process will keep your trailer in a good state. It will also minimise the risk of animals getting sick due to harmful microbes. For the best results, clean the trailer after every trip. The cleaning process can be a simple rinse. When preparing the float for storage, wash all the surfaces thoroughly to remove harmful residues. Keep in mind that harsh cleaning agents will cause metal wear. Therefore, opt for gentler detergents.

Conduct Inspections

Horse float inspection is a critical maintenance task. This process is intended to identify damaged components and monitor common causes of trailer breakdown. If you do not check the float components, the structure is likely to have undetected problems. Consequently, the equipment could fail during a trip. Therefore, plan for a thorough assessment, especially before a towing trip. Check for components deformation and wear of all parts, including tyres, brakes and doors. Also, take note of any decline in function and performance. Where possible, test your horse float by towing it around for a while before loading.

If you are uncertain about horse float servicing or find signs of malfunction, consult a specialist for professional assistance. 
